Wednesday, December 3, 2008


So, I didn't get to delve into the topic of service like I intended to over the last week. Thanksgiving weekend was much busier than I anticipated it being, and now I'm contending with what seems to be a nasty head cold.

There's been much more to it, but I won't ramble on about all the intricacies of the last least not yet. I will say that the opportunity to serve and meet others in the community last Thanksgiving as I helped at my church's Thanksgiving meal they put on was incredible. It was great to see so many people from different walks of life coming together to eat, and to see so many of my brothers and sisters in Christ come out to reach out in love to serve the community and get to know the people that live and work around us.

I'll post something up head is stuffed up and I can barely summon up the patience to sit here and write this small amount.

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