I did want to post up and recommend reading this review of Peter Enns' new book, The Bible Tells Me So. The review is by Dr. Michael J. Kruger, a professor at Reformed Theological Seminary, and coauthor of a book I'm currently reading and also highly recommend, The Heresy of Orthodoxy. I'll post up a review when I'm done, though certainly I am far less qualified to speak to this subject than he is. What this review and that book both testify to, however, is the fact that there is an active war against the idea that God has revealed Himself and that He is knowable at all. Enns doesn't present an atheist perspective or even a Bart Ehrman-like agnostic one. But like those perspectives, Enns' book basically echoes the tempter's question of "Did God really say...?" Kruger strongly demonstrates: yes, he did, and the grounds Enns gives for doubting is weak at best.
More later. Go read!